Политика в отношении обработки персональных данных

Политика в отношении обработки персональных данных

For partners

The Pinsk Meat-Packing Plant is constantly developing its relationships with both the Belarusian trade network and partners from near and far abroad.

Why you should contact us:

Quality and safety

Fresh and high-quality products that have passed strict veterinary, sanitary and laboratory control on the day of shipment.

Personal approach

We meet every client halfway and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation.

Own transport

If you need a service for the delivery of meat products, we have our own transport of different carrying capacity, equipped with refrigeration units.

Delivery on time

Our specialists take care of all the issues related to the organization of the transportation process and timely delivery of goods.


Highly qualified specialists who have vast experience and the necessary competencies will provide support and promptly resolve your issues.

Advertising support

We organize product tastings in your retail outlets. We will provide advertising products and provide advertising support at your request.

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Политика предприятия в отношении персональных данных

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