Политика в отношении обработки персональных данных

Политика в отношении обработки персональных данных

Brand shops

We invite you to shop in our branded shops!

Shop "Pikant-1"

Pinsk, Lenina Str., 9
+375 165 62-47-51

Head of the shop:
Larisa Pavlova


Shop "Pikant-2"

Pinsk, Industrialnaya Str., 1 
+375 165 64-33-84

Head of the shop:
Irina Fyodorovaа


Shop "Pikant-3"

Stolin, Sovietskaya Str., 127
+375 165 56-09-44

Head of the shop:
Ludmila Petrovets


Mini-shop "Pikant-5"

Ivanovo, K.Marksa Str., 35B
+375 29 675-85-29

Head of the shop:
Larisa Res'ko


Shop "Pikant-6"

Pinsk, Kirova Str., 4
+375 165 62-88-02

Head of the shop:
Serhey Palachich


Mini-shop "Pikant-7"

Pinsk, Pervomayskaya Str., 145/v
+375 165 63-65-44

Head of the shop:
Tatyana Budich


Mini-shop "Pikant-8"

Pinsk, Rokossovskogo Str., 38A
+375 165 30-02-25 

Head of the shop:
Ludmila Yazubec


Shop "Pikant-9"

Pinsk, Zholtovskogo Str., 38
+375 165 61-91-38

Head of the shop:
Dmitry Mulyarchik


Shop "Pikant-10"

Pinsk, Internatsionalnaya Str., 79
+375 165 64-91-10

Head of the shop:
Tatyana Borichevskaya


Shop "Pikant-11"

Zhidche, Shkol'naya Str., 4 
+375 165 67-76-43

Head of the shop:
Tamara Tsaruk


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